My Final Week

Week 10 Highlights: Farewell & Garden

            Week 10 was my final week of my internship. I was very proud of myself that I completed every task given to me and met every deadline I was given as well. Being that it was my last week, Broc didn’t give me a new project to work on. I helped him with small duties such as faxing papers and making copies.

            I spent the majority of the week outside working in the garden of the High Plains Food Bank. The garden grows over twenty-five different types of fruits and vegetable and is all 100% organic.  The food grown goes directly to the kitchen where it is prepared to feed the children on the Kids Café.  I had fun helping water and harvest in the garden.

            My final day was spent giving my farewells and thanks to everyone I met and worked with. I was very fortunate to be the media intern for the High Plains Food Bank and I will always be grateful for the opportunity. 

Banners Completed

Week 9 High-Lights: Finished Banners

            Week nine of my internship was another workweek. I had more banners to create and my internship was nearing its end. The next banner I created I wanted to direct people to donate to the High Plains Food Bank. I thought it would also be helpful to add the QR code I had created on the poster. That QR code would direct people to the High Plains Food Bank’s website and they could donate from their. Staying consistent with my previous banner I left it very simple and kept plenty of white space.

            The next banner I needed to create was the big board that would be placed atop the building of the High Plains Food Bank. This was an essential banner because everyone who came to the food bank would see and also everyone who drove by the HPFB who see it as well. I knew I couldn’t add to many pictures or text so again I kept it simple and simple added the logo and the mission statement.

            Broc approved of both new designs and I sent them his way. We made some calls together and had the banners began to be created. 

New Project: Signage

Week 8 High-Lights: Banners
   Week eight of my internship began by Broc giving me more huge tasks that would impact the High Plains Food Bank greatly. He wanted me to design signage that would be hung throughout the many different properties of the High Plains Food Bank, including the huge top sign of the main building. Again, I felt very privileged to be allowed to create these items for the HPFB.

            The first sign I began to create would be hung in the main entrance of the office where any visitors would see immediately. I wanted to add social media links to direct people to connect with the High Plains Food Bank. I also wanted to keep it simple with ample white space so that the main focus is connecting via social media. Broc approved of the poster quickly and my first sign was done!

Brochure is Printed

Week 7 High-Lights: Completed & Printed Brochure

            Week seven of my internship was also very productive towards the new and improved brochure of the High Plains Food Bank. Not only did I get my brochure approved by Broc but was also able to find a printing company to print it for us at the best price offered.

            I was very pleased with the final brochure, as was Broc. I believe we both knew I was getting closer and closer to what he wanted and expected because sooner the corrections for the brochure got smaller and smaller. In fact, when I finally gave him a brochure that was exactly what he wanted he went from office to office showing off the new brochure!

            My next task was to get it printed. I called over twenty-five printing companies in Amarillo and got rates for each of them. I needed it printed on a glossy tough paper at regular paper size and a four color level scale- all of these attributes played a factor in price. I learned that mentioning it was for the High Plains Food Bank allowed us to get discounts from many printers. I found the best deal and sent them a PDF of my brochure. In less than a week, we had our order ready and the finished product is still being used today!

Creating a QR Code

Week 6 High-Lights:  Brochure/QR

            Week six was a huge workweek for me. I dove into the brochure project and actually got the majority of it finished. I gathered all the information I wanted on the brochure and plugged it into the template I already had in place. I then strategically found the pictures I wanted to add and fit them in their assigned places. The approval process was very lengthy with Broc. He knew exactly how to critique my brochure and me and gave me many great pointers that helped me make my design better.  There was a lot of printing sample brochures for approval from Broc and many times I had to make corrections. I took it positively and made all necessary corrections. One major advancement I did make was created a QR code for the HPFB and linked you to the main site. I was excited to see it work and Broc loved it!

            Another fun part of my week six internship is that I got to accompany Broc to an AAF Meeting downtown in Amarillo. The Amarillo Adverting Federation meets for lunch once a month at the top floor of the Chase Building and Broc asked me to go with him. The lunch was delicious and the speaker was informative, but the best part of the lunch was the great networking I got done. I met many great professionals and potential employers.

On the Go

Week 5 High-Lights: Kitchen Tour & Serving Food

           Week five of my internship was very eventful. Throughout the week I went from location to location from places that help and benefit the High Plains Food Bank to places that the High Plains Food Bank benefits.

            One of the places I went was the Kids Café kitchen. This kitchen was the place that all of the fresh hot meals given to the children who eat the Kids Café meals are cooked and stored.  I was really impressed by how clean and sanitary this kitchen was. I was also impressed by how the ladies cooked. They were extremely healthy. They freshly baked all of their baked goods and used only fresh fruit and vegetables. Many of the fresh fruit and vegetables being used were grown in the High Plain Food Bank’s own garden!

            Another location I went to was one of the local Boys and Girls Club. This particular organization is just one of the many places that Kids Café offers free meals. I helped hand out the hot warm fresh plates of food and again was able to see the children eat their meals. I enjoyed this week but was unable to do much towards the brochure. 

Major Project and Kids Cafe

Week 4 High-Lights: Brochure project and Kids Cafe

            Week for of my internship slowed down a lot compared to the first three weeks. We didn’t have a major food drive planned for the week nor did I have any deadlines to meet for the week. However, this week was important because I was given a task that would impact the High Plains Food Bank for many years to come. I was given the privilege to create and design an updated brochure for the High Plains Food Bank. This was a major project that I knew would take me the rest of my tenure as the intern at the HPFB. I was excited to be able to tackle such a huge project and I was thrilled of the opportunity, knowing I was only given this duty because Broc was confident I could do it. I began working on the brochure and started by creating a basic template in which I could work with. I looked at many successful brochures already being used for ideas.

            Friday of week four I assisted the director of the Kids Café to one of the Kids Café locations. Kids Café is a program that gives children a hot meal that would otherwise go without. It is a year round program with offering after school meals during school months, and meals at certain locations during the summer month. I enjoyed watching the kids eat the food and having a good time.