Creating a QR Code

Week 6 High-Lights:  Brochure/QR

            Week six was a huge workweek for me. I dove into the brochure project and actually got the majority of it finished. I gathered all the information I wanted on the brochure and plugged it into the template I already had in place. I then strategically found the pictures I wanted to add and fit them in their assigned places. The approval process was very lengthy with Broc. He knew exactly how to critique my brochure and me and gave me many great pointers that helped me make my design better.  There was a lot of printing sample brochures for approval from Broc and many times I had to make corrections. I took it positively and made all necessary corrections. One major advancement I did make was created a QR code for the HPFB and linked you to the main site. I was excited to see it work and Broc loved it!

            Another fun part of my week six internship is that I got to accompany Broc to an AAF Meeting downtown in Amarillo. The Amarillo Adverting Federation meets for lunch once a month at the top floor of the Chase Building and Broc asked me to go with him. The lunch was delicious and the speaker was informative, but the best part of the lunch was the great networking I got done. I met many great professionals and potential employers.

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