On the Go

Week 5 High-Lights: Kitchen Tour & Serving Food

           Week five of my internship was very eventful. Throughout the week I went from location to location from places that help and benefit the High Plains Food Bank to places that the High Plains Food Bank benefits.

            One of the places I went was the Kids Café kitchen. This kitchen was the place that all of the fresh hot meals given to the children who eat the Kids Café meals are cooked and stored.  I was really impressed by how clean and sanitary this kitchen was. I was also impressed by how the ladies cooked. They were extremely healthy. They freshly baked all of their baked goods and used only fresh fruit and vegetables. Many of the fresh fruit and vegetables being used were grown in the High Plain Food Bank’s own garden!

            Another location I went to was one of the local Boys and Girls Club. This particular organization is just one of the many places that Kids Café offers free meals. I helped hand out the hot warm fresh plates of food and again was able to see the children eat their meals. I enjoyed this week but was unable to do much towards the brochure. 

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