Banners Completed

Week 9 High-Lights: Finished Banners

            Week nine of my internship was another workweek. I had more banners to create and my internship was nearing its end. The next banner I created I wanted to direct people to donate to the High Plains Food Bank. I thought it would also be helpful to add the QR code I had created on the poster. That QR code would direct people to the High Plains Food Bank’s website and they could donate from their. Staying consistent with my previous banner I left it very simple and kept plenty of white space.

            The next banner I needed to create was the big board that would be placed atop the building of the High Plains Food Bank. This was an essential banner because everyone who came to the food bank would see and also everyone who drove by the HPFB who see it as well. I knew I couldn’t add to many pictures or text so again I kept it simple and simple added the logo and the mission statement.

            Broc approved of both new designs and I sent them his way. We made some calls together and had the banners began to be created. 

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