Tee'd Off At Hunger

Week 2 High-Light: Tee’d Off at Hunger

       My second week as the media intern at the High Plains Food Bank picked up quickly from where the first week left off. Broc explained the annual golf tournament “Tee’d off at Hunger “ to me. This golf tournament was created to help raise funds for the High Plains Food Bank with 100% of all profits going to our organization. The tournament was invitational only and we were quick to get many RSVPS. My first objective for the tournament was to create “swag bags” for all of the participants in the tournament.  It was the High Plains Food Bank’s way of saying thanks to everyone for coming out and having a good time while helping fund the task of eliminating hunger the Texas panhandle. The bags consisted of mugs, coupons from various businesses such as Chic-Fil-A, seeds to plant, and other awesome items donated to us from local and national businesses. I put together over 50 bags and the time consuming process was well worth it. 

       On the Saturday of the tournament I showed up with the rest of the High Plains Food Bank staff and helped fun the tournament. I was in charge of checking out the golf carts and also went from hole to hole collecting donations. The golf tournament offered special perks such as vehicles given away for hole in ones, a raffle, and a delicious bar-b-que dinner. The Tee’d Off at Hunger was a great success and I met many great people from major businesses in the area.

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