Major Project and Kids Cafe

Week 4 High-Lights: Brochure project and Kids Cafe

            Week for of my internship slowed down a lot compared to the first three weeks. We didn’t have a major food drive planned for the week nor did I have any deadlines to meet for the week. However, this week was important because I was given a task that would impact the High Plains Food Bank for many years to come. I was given the privilege to create and design an updated brochure for the High Plains Food Bank. This was a major project that I knew would take me the rest of my tenure as the intern at the HPFB. I was excited to be able to tackle such a huge project and I was thrilled of the opportunity, knowing I was only given this duty because Broc was confident I could do it. I began working on the brochure and started by creating a basic template in which I could work with. I looked at many successful brochures already being used for ideas.

            Friday of week four I assisted the director of the Kids Café to one of the Kids Café locations. Kids Café is a program that gives children a hot meal that would otherwise go without. It is a year round program with offering after school meals during school months, and meals at certain locations during the summer month. I enjoyed watching the kids eat the food and having a good time. 

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