Stamp Out Hunger

Week 3 High-Light: Stamp Out Hunger

       Week three started with Broc telling me about Stamp Out Hunger. Stamp Out Hunger is a day that people can donate food to the High Plains Food Bank through the postal service. All anyone has to do is simply leave their canned goods outside their mail box and the postal service men and woman will pick it up with the mail and take it back to their post office to be picked up. 

        The days leading up to the actual day I helped create press releases to build awareness for the day. The press releases were given to the Amarillo Globe News and stories were written to inform all over Amarillo about Stamp Out Hunger day. I also got to watch Broc give two different interviews for two different local television stations to also inform their viewers of the day. I enjoyed watching the interviews because it gave me a great idea of how I should conduct myself if I was ever in that position. 

       The Friday that the Stamp Out Hunger opportunity came and Broc and I were busy going back and forth from post office to post office collecting all the food that the people in Amarillo had donated for us. The turn out was a success and we were able to receive more donations than we had anticipated!

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